Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pernahkah kamu merasa kebingungan, kemarahan, kehilangan kemauan untuk bicara atau tersenyum dan semuanya itu tercampur dalam suatu hari yang membuat kamu lain seperti biasanya. Teman2 kamu pasti akan mampir ke jendela hati kamu dan bertanya, "Apa yang terjadi denganmu? Kamu ada masalah?" Apa yang akan kamu respon terhadap pertanyaan mereka?

Bagi aku, dunia ini selalu seperti penuh dengan orang2 yang memakai "mask" YAH....... terkadang kala sangat mudah bagi kita untuk membaca mimik2 wajah orang2 di sekitar kita, seperti aku, menebak sifat orang2 itu kadang2 sangat mudah bahkan walau behaviour mereka itu tak sama dengan sifat asli mereka. Cuma, gak selamanya membaca sifat orang itu bagus... yang rugi itu terkadang aku sendiri, karena aku malah lebih menjauhkan diri dari orang2 tersebut. Terlalu terbuka di depan orang2 juga bukan seperti aku, walau aku lagi berusaha.. Semuanya telah mengepak sayap2 mereka untuk maju, tapi kenapa hanya aku yang berusaha menyembunyikan sayap2 itu?

"a little courage" itu kata2 yang selalu aku tepar kalau aku mulai depresi, sedih, dan merasa gak ada yang mengerti aku.. tapi itu selalu membantu aku untuk mulai berpikir 2 kali. Tidak sering aku gagal menjadi yang terbaik, tapi tidak sering juga aku gagal menjadi yang terburuk. Hanya karena aku mau mulai mengerti kesalahan aku sendiri, disaat itu aku mulai sadar kalau dunia ini seperti "GAME" kalau kamu kalah, kamu mulai penasaran dan memperbaiki kesalahan2 sebelumnya, seperti "SAVE POINT" hehe, bedanya, di dunia asli, kita tidak diperboleh mengulangi yang terjadi, tapi kita punya kesempatan mencoba lagi di chance2 lain. IYA?

WELL.... disaat2 begini, aku masih mencari dan terus mencari apa artinya kita hidup di dunia kalau aku belum mengerti apa yang harus kuwujud-in sesuatu yang berguna bagi aku sendiri...


  1. well, ri,kamu tahu apa arti epribadian? Kepribadian dr bahasa inggrs: personality, artinyatopeng
    jadi kepribadian adalah topen yg kita pakai dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan

    jadi yah emang kita semua memakai topeng...

    apa artinya hidup? hahahaha, itu untuk dicari, bukan ditentukan

  2. hmm ada benernya juga kt ko'hendy :D

    apa artinya hidup?.. sebenernya hidup hanyalah untuk dijalani, jalani hidup sebaik mungkin. karna kita hidup memang tidak ada tujuan lain selain membahagiakan diri kita sendiri, membahagiakan orang-orang di sekitar, mensukseskan diri. ya intinya kita harus bisa melakukan hal2 yang terbaik untuk diri kita sendiri.

    thats all we can do ^^

    *NB: ko'Hendy, ngetiknya terlalu lincah tu jari-jemarinya, mpe blepotan ketikannya XP.

  3. iyah hahahah, jari2 saya suka bergerak diluar perintah otak gw

    btw hikari juga suka ngeblog? masuk blog gw juga donk

  4. XD XD ini jadi tempat berkarya para2 blogers =D
    iyah kadang kala topengnya bisa juga hilang dari kepribadian kita kalau kita mencoba berubah kan

  5. tidak rii

    kita kan memakai topeng yg lain

    ga apa2 kok rii memakai topeng itu, asalkan kita jujur sama diri sendiri

  6. jadi intinya kita ga selamanya jujur pada org lain?



Ayumi Hamasaki Widget

tarot of my personality

Your result for Which Tarot Card Represents Your Higher Self? Test...

The High Priestess

3 0Fool, -1 1Magician, 6 2Priestess, 2 3Empress, -1 4Emperor, -1 5Hierophant, 4 6Lovers, 3 7Chariot, -1 8Strength, 2 9Hermit, 2 10WheelOfFortune, 4 11Justice, 1 12HangedMan, 3 13Death, 2 14Temperance, 5 15Devil, 2 16Tower, 3 17Star, 2 18Moon, 0 19Sun, -1 20Judgement and -1 21World!

The High Priestess is arguably the most difficult of the Major Arcana to qualify with words alone, because so much of her power and ability is veiled in mystery that it is difficult for anyone to fathom it all. Every card in the Tarot speaks differently to everyone, but the Priestess seems to bear the widest range of interpretations, because she speaks directly to the Inner Voice, the unconscious mind. She is the manifestation of the unconscious and the effects of the mysterious in our everyday world. Trying to see how such mysteries work often defeats their purpose, and with this in mind, the High Priestess will be explained in as much detail as possible.

She is, above all else, the base of potential that is the source of the power wielded by the Magician. She is the unlimited potential that allows him to transform and create whatever his Will desires. Understanding this type of balance, as found between potential and creation, masculine and feminine, is the key to unlocking some of the mysteries of the High Priestess. We see the clear progression of the theme of balance; instead of integrating opposites, the Priestess keeps them separate and keeps them in balance nonetheles. She herself is the scales; this symbolism is found in many Tarot decks. Without this balance there can be no power.

The second symbolic motif found in almost all instances of the High Preistess are symbols of the unconscious mind. On the Rider-Waite version this motif is especially prominent, but most decks feature at least some lunar imagery that in turn has ties to the unconscious. Most decks that have the "twin pillars" symbology also depict a veil strung between those pillars; the High Priestess stands between us and that veil as a moderator. Behind the veil lies the powers of the unconscious, which we cannot start to understand but which, through her, we can learn to control. She is the gateway to realms that we may never fully comprehend or master.

While it would be impossible for anyone to learn all of her mysteries and secrets, the High Priestess remains as a guide to those of us willing to venture deep within our minds to discover the true powers hidden deep inside each of us. This is the same power as that depicted on the Magician, but the scope of the Priestess' power is far different. While the Magician focuses his powers outward, to achieve a meaningful effect on the world, the High Priestess shows us that we can also use these powers on an inner level, to enrich and transform ourselves. Such transformations are certainly not as dramatic as the Magician's, but they are almost always more powerful.

The High Priestess represents the mysteries of the unconscious and the Inner Voice, and her appearance is often a sign that your own intuition is trying to send you a message. The unconscious often speaks to us in symbols, so be alert around you for anything that seems out of the ordinary. This said, if you have an important decision to make when the Priestess appears, this is often a sign that the answers will be revealed to you, if you are patient and open to the whispers from within. You simply have to wait and be receptive to inner messages. Her lesson is that everything you need to know already exists within you.

The theme of dualism in the High Preistess cannot be avoided either. She is often a sign of the Shadow, the negative portion of your personality that no one sees, and that you yourself could be unaware of. (In this sense, the term 'negative' does not refer to evil, just the opposite polarity from the positive and expressive part of your personality.) If you accept the Shadow within you, its powers will be open to you if you wish to use them. In most people the Shadow side is the more passive of the two, and the Priestess can therefore advocate a need for passivity in a situation. It is not always necessary to act; sometimes goals can be realized through inaction.

Take Which Tarot Card Represents Your Higher Self? Test at HelloQuizzy