Monday, March 23, 2009

everything comes from heart..

If have to look back, I would always end up with scars
but I have gained too much pain to remember how lost I was before
until you came to erase my past and gave me so much attention
how could I forget you with your caressing smile

Carry me away with your love again
so I could open my heart and receive your warmth
Hold my hands tightly
so I know I will not lose someone like you

Last tuesday I walked along the street
I found out someone who cried loudly in the park
Look how I wish I can be like you
to wipe away someone else's tears

Teach me how to be brave enough to draw near people that need love
don't wake me up from this unforgetful dream
because I love to be trapped in your care
carry me with your love once again
so I know you care for me

Friday, March 6, 2009

apa sih maunya guru gw?!!!

hr ini abis kelas creative project....
laguku dipuji... tapi yg guruku mau bukan hanya ini.. katanya aku hrs cari painter untuk kolaborasi lagi... oemgeh... stress bener... painter dr mana... flat mate gw jg lagi sibuk2 kerjaannya.... T___________________T setidaknya... dia dan byk temen yang muji lagu gw, gw udah cukup bersyukur....
makasih atas doa seseorang untukku juga tiap harinya =)
siap itu, aku kirain bakalan ga ada tiket untuk liad Tang string quartet lagi T____T untuk perjalanan lama dr skul gw ke skul YST yg jauh ini ga sia2... akhirnya gw dan temen gw nanya masi ada tiket sisa, pdhl di email katanya udah habissss
kyaaa bersyukur banget aku hr ini... rencananya abis plg dr nonton konser mau buat jurnal lagi.. tp hari ini gw dah cukup capek sama main study piano lesson, creative class dan nonton konser.... jadi pengen drop langsung... *pengsan di tempat tidur.. nite...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"If I have to go, don't cry" part 1

namanya Aldo....
masih teringat, kenapa dulu dia selalu menghindari masalah yang berhubungan dengan publik
masih teringat, wajahnya yang penuh dengan senyum indah tetapi tersembunyi misteri dibaliknya
Saat itu, semua anak di kelas kami pada ributnya, kami sempat berbicara dengan nyaman, posisi aku dan dia di kelas hanya berjarak depan dan belakang,
"Al, kamu udah siap untuk pertunjukan piano akhir kamu?" tanyaku
"yah.. begitulah" dia tersenyum
"tinggal sebulan lebih aja kan, aku udah mulai merasa gugup! Oh ya... apa kamu akan dedikasikan pertunjukan kamu ke seseorang?" aku bertanya dengan rasa penasaran lagi
"dedikasi? untuk apa?" dia kebingungan
"iyah..... seperti aku, aku selalu ingin mendedikasikan permainan musik aku ke orang lain, supaya aku tidak merasa gugup, yah ujung2nya aku gugup juga hehe" kulihat dia tersenyum membalas perkataanku lagi
"menarik juga.... mungkin akan kudedikasikan ke seseorang di kelas ini" dia terdiam dengan wajahnya yang penuh misteri lagi
"boleh tahu siapa?" aku tersenyum dan bertanya
"nanti juga kamu akan tahu" katanya
Aku sedikit kecewa karena tidak mendapat jawaban yang kuinginkan
dia tiba2 merunduk dan pelan2 dia menggeser buku2 researchnya, dan meletakkan ujung lengannya untuk membantu wajahnya yang bersandar ke tangannya.
Saat itulah aku melihat dia pelan2 memejamkan mata dan tertidur di antara keributan2 di kelas kita. Aku lalu menghadap ke depan lagi dan menghela nafas, di pikiranku aku hanya ingin tahu apa yang dia pikirkan setiap saat karena sepertinya dia juga terlihat begitu kesepian walaupun dia lumayan terkenal dengan kepintarannya bermain piano dan juga temannya yang banyak.
Sudah lumayan lama semenjak aku mulai tertarik dengan karakter dia yang susah ditebak, dan kini sudah jalan 2 tahun....
Aku mulai berpikir kalau pertunjukan piano akhir ini, aku juga akan mendedikasikan ke seseorang...

to be continued....

Monday, March 2, 2009


ini link untuk download lagunya COLOURS~
letoi letoi letoi, bulan ini bkl dikejar deadline2 semuanya T_____T
pening pusing lum sempet latihan banyak hr ini... >_<<<

Sunday, March 1, 2009

COLOURS~ - finalize

ko hendyyyy akhirnya COLOURS udah jadiiiii kyaaaaa moga2 aja ko Hendy ga keberatan lagunya jadi gitu =P aduhhh drtd aku coba rekaman tapi susah, ini masih dlm midi juga rekaman background suaranya, akhirnya udah selesai, cuma aku perlu kasih tanda2 dinamika di scorenya...
aku udah upload di imeem, klo tar udah diapprove sama imeemnya ku post linknya ke sini biar ko hendy bisa denger =) drtd aku nunggu ko hendy online ternyata ga online2 XD XD ya udah =D udah cape, uda jem 11.30 malem, harus cepet2 buat dissertation lagi t____T

ahhh udah ada linknya, enjoy =)


Ayumi Hamasaki Widget

tarot of my personality

Your result for Which Tarot Card Represents Your Higher Self? Test...

The High Priestess

3 0Fool, -1 1Magician, 6 2Priestess, 2 3Empress, -1 4Emperor, -1 5Hierophant, 4 6Lovers, 3 7Chariot, -1 8Strength, 2 9Hermit, 2 10WheelOfFortune, 4 11Justice, 1 12HangedMan, 3 13Death, 2 14Temperance, 5 15Devil, 2 16Tower, 3 17Star, 2 18Moon, 0 19Sun, -1 20Judgement and -1 21World!

The High Priestess is arguably the most difficult of the Major Arcana to qualify with words alone, because so much of her power and ability is veiled in mystery that it is difficult for anyone to fathom it all. Every card in the Tarot speaks differently to everyone, but the Priestess seems to bear the widest range of interpretations, because she speaks directly to the Inner Voice, the unconscious mind. She is the manifestation of the unconscious and the effects of the mysterious in our everyday world. Trying to see how such mysteries work often defeats their purpose, and with this in mind, the High Priestess will be explained in as much detail as possible.

She is, above all else, the base of potential that is the source of the power wielded by the Magician. She is the unlimited potential that allows him to transform and create whatever his Will desires. Understanding this type of balance, as found between potential and creation, masculine and feminine, is the key to unlocking some of the mysteries of the High Priestess. We see the clear progression of the theme of balance; instead of integrating opposites, the Priestess keeps them separate and keeps them in balance nonetheles. She herself is the scales; this symbolism is found in many Tarot decks. Without this balance there can be no power.

The second symbolic motif found in almost all instances of the High Preistess are symbols of the unconscious mind. On the Rider-Waite version this motif is especially prominent, but most decks feature at least some lunar imagery that in turn has ties to the unconscious. Most decks that have the "twin pillars" symbology also depict a veil strung between those pillars; the High Priestess stands between us and that veil as a moderator. Behind the veil lies the powers of the unconscious, which we cannot start to understand but which, through her, we can learn to control. She is the gateway to realms that we may never fully comprehend or master.

While it would be impossible for anyone to learn all of her mysteries and secrets, the High Priestess remains as a guide to those of us willing to venture deep within our minds to discover the true powers hidden deep inside each of us. This is the same power as that depicted on the Magician, but the scope of the Priestess' power is far different. While the Magician focuses his powers outward, to achieve a meaningful effect on the world, the High Priestess shows us that we can also use these powers on an inner level, to enrich and transform ourselves. Such transformations are certainly not as dramatic as the Magician's, but they are almost always more powerful.

The High Priestess represents the mysteries of the unconscious and the Inner Voice, and her appearance is often a sign that your own intuition is trying to send you a message. The unconscious often speaks to us in symbols, so be alert around you for anything that seems out of the ordinary. This said, if you have an important decision to make when the Priestess appears, this is often a sign that the answers will be revealed to you, if you are patient and open to the whispers from within. You simply have to wait and be receptive to inner messages. Her lesson is that everything you need to know already exists within you.

The theme of dualism in the High Preistess cannot be avoided either. She is often a sign of the Shadow, the negative portion of your personality that no one sees, and that you yourself could be unaware of. (In this sense, the term 'negative' does not refer to evil, just the opposite polarity from the positive and expressive part of your personality.) If you accept the Shadow within you, its powers will be open to you if you wish to use them. In most people the Shadow side is the more passive of the two, and the Priestess can therefore advocate a need for passivity in a situation. It is not always necessary to act; sometimes goals can be realized through inaction.

Take Which Tarot Card Represents Your Higher Self? Test at HelloQuizzy